Question: What Bible verse in the New Testament talks about praying for peace in Israel?  I know there’s one but I cannot find it.


Slightly off the point; but there by implication is Acts 28:25–28; which Paul enacted at the command of the Risen Lord; as it was prophesied in Isa.6:9–10!

It is also repeated 7 times, (Matt.13:14–15, Rom.11:3, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:40 & Acts  28:25–28)!

The Holy Spirit endowed on the Jews at Pentecost, was withdrawn at the stage of Acts 28:25–28, because the Jews rejected Jesus again, and finally at that stage, Paul enacted the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10; which rendered the Jews Lo-Ammi (not My people).

That condition will remain until the events of Zech.12:10, when Almighty God will keep His Word and promise to Salvage them “for My Names Sake”; see Ezek. 39:21–29!

Regarding the current events regarding Israel; although they are still “Lo-Ammi”, God will never abandon His people Israel; and it is to be expected that there will be dramatic events as per. prophecy in the near future; but the events of “Jacob’s Trouble” will according to prophecy decimate the Jewish nation, prior to Almighty God’s “Saving Hand” on them!

There is seemingly to yet be a “Temple” to be built, and “sacrifices” to re-commence; because the Jews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah; which is why they were “disowned temporarily”; as per the Isa. 6 prophecy, which must continue until Rom. 9:24–33; which coincides with Rom. 11:25–27!

There will yet appear a personage called in the Bible, “the Assyrian” who Christians would call the “Anti-Christ”; just prior to which “The Comforter/ the Spirit of Truth / The Restrainer will be removed from the Earth, to give free reign to the short rule of God’s enemy; just prior to the 2nd. Advent of Christ Jesus, in “Power and Great Glory” (Mark 13:26)!

In the meantime; we pray for the “peace of Jerusalem” which Almighty God will bring to Fruition in His Timing; which may not be too long away! “Maranatha”.


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